Project Description

Body Contouring

Body Contouring

Body Contouring

We all know that exercising is a great way to lose weight and maintain a stunning figure. However there are times when work gets in the way or maybe an injury has set you back from keeping up with your exercise routine. Maybe you are a diligent fitness enthusiast but have had trouble eliminating stubborn pockets of fat located in areas such as the stomach, neck, and buttocks. In many cases, no amount of diet or exercise will be able to restore these areas to their youthful look.

Body contouring procedures are not performed in order to achieve weight loss, but rather are designed to improve and reshape the contour of various body areas. Obviously some weight will be lost with abdominoplasty and liposuction, though this is not the primary goal. At Wright Surgical Arts in Tri-Cities and Spokane we are here to help you achieve a more toned and attractive figure. Contouring the body to us doesn’t just mean liposuction and a tummy tuck. We focus on the patient as a whole, and body contouring means the whole body. Click on a procedure below to learn more about your procedure of interest.

Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery technique to remove stubborn fat deposits that don’t respond to dieting and exercise. These fatty bulges are most commonly found in the thighs, hips, abdomen, buttocks, knees, ankles, calves and arms. They are also found in the facial areas such as the chin, cheeks, jowls and neck. Liposuction can be performed alone or in conjunction with other cosmetic surgery procedures such as a tummy tuck , facelift or chin augmentation to achieve the desired result.

Liposuction Recovery

Most patients are mobile immediately after liposuction, although an extra day or two of bed rest may be needed when large amounts of fat are removed. Keep in mind that healing is a gradual process. The swelling can last four to six weeks, while complete healing from the liposuction surgery takes about three months. Our surgeons advocate lymphatic massage following liposuction as an excellent way to decrease the amount of swelling. Lymphatic massage stimulates lymph flow to more rapidly remove fluid, proteins, and toxins from around the cells back into the bloodstream. The end result is less bruising and less edema to help speed the liposuction recovery process. It is normal to have some numbness in the areas that liposuction took place as the superficial nerves became disrupted. This is temporary, but may take a full year to become normal again. We recommend activity as soon as possible after surgery. The incisions are incredibly small and don’t take long to heal. Bruising is common but heals quickly.

Patients are required to wear a compression garment (a girdle like garment that is worn under normal clothing) for 6 weeks. This helps minimize swelling and contour deformities.

The New You

Remember, liposuction is a surgical procedure, and your body has to heal before you see the full benefits. Your results will likely be visible within two or three weeks, but the full effect may not be fully evident for six months to a year after surgery in some cases.

You should maintain a balanced diet and exercise regularly to fully enjoy the new you for years to come. Many patients find that their liposuction is such a psychological boost that it gives them the incentive to exercise even more than before to improve other parts of their physique. With realistic expectations, most patients are pleased with the improvements from their liposuction procedure. The goal is for you to be more comfortable with your body and happy with your new shape.

Abdominoplasty or tummy tuck surgery is one of the most rewarding procedures with results that are often immediate and dramatic. Pregnancy and weight loss can cause the skin of the abdominal wall to become loose and sometimes leave permanent stretch marks behind. The abdominal wall muscles can become lax and cause the abdominal wall to be more prominent especially with flexing. This condition is often unresponsive to exercise and skin creams.

Abdominoplasty is a body contouring option that removes the excess wrinkled skin and fatty tissue from the abdomen and tightens abdominal muscles. The best candidate for this surgery has relatively normal weight, weak muscles and excess skin. Patients who are considerably overweight are less ideal candidates for the operation and may be advised to lose weight prior to surgery or to have liposuction performed before a tummy tuck. Age and skin tone have a lot to do with the level of improvement you may expect. The incision is made low on the abdomen, near the pubic region, so that any scarring is hidden by most underwear and bathing suits. For individuals with loose abdominal muscles and minimal skin excess, a “mini abdominoplasty” may be all that is needed. Many patients find this procedure highly beneficial because it results in a shorter scar.


Communication is vital in reaching your goals. You will have the opportunity to discuss your goals and the results you’d like to achieve. Our surgeons will work with you to reach an understanding about what you can expect from this procedure and what long-term benefits you will experience. Every patient is different, and he will work with you to choose the surgical technique and treatment plan that is right for you.

During your initial consultation:

  • Provide a complete medical history. Include information about any previous surgical procedures; past and present medical conditions; and all medications or herbal supplements you are taking.
  • Expect an examination of your abdomen, including the quality of your abdominal skin; the location of any existing scars; the amount and location of any excess fat; and the status of the underlying muscles.
  • Be prepared to discuss possible risks and complications of the procedure.


The operation is carried out under general anesthesia and will be performed in our state-of-the-art surgical suite. A full abdominoplasty takes between two to four hours depending on the extent of work involved and whether or not it is combined with some degree of liposuction. After the incision is made, the abdominal skin above the umbilicus is lifted. The umbilicus is cut free from this skin and left on its attachment. This is later brought out through a new incision. The abdominal muscles are tightened by pulling them close together and stitching them into their new position. This provides a firmer abdominal wall and narrows the waistline. Excess skin and fat are removed and the incision is closed. An abdominal binder or compression garment is placed to support the abdomen and help to decrease swelling during your recovery.

In a partial abdominoplasty, or “mini tummy tuck,” the skin is separated only between the incision line and the belly button. This skin flap is stretched down, the excess skin is removed, and the flap is stitched back into place. A partial abdominoplasty may take an hour or two.


Although there will be some soreness and discomfort, our surgeons will prescribe medications that will help make you feel more comfortable. Drain tubes are left in place for approximately one to two weeks after surgery. Showering is permitted with the drain tubes. During your recovery you will start walking as soon as possible. The abdomen feels “tight” for several weeks after surgery. Numbness is common in certain areas and may be permanent for some.

Heavy lifting, aerobic activity, and vigorous exercise should be avoided for six to eight weeks. Lifting should be limited to fifteen to twenty pounds during the first six weeks. Some people return to work after two weeks, while others take three or four weeks to rest and recuperate. Exercise will help you heal better. Even people who have never exercised before should begin an exercise program to reduce swelling, lower the chance of blood clots, and tone muscles. Vigorous exercise, however, should be avoided until you can do it comfortably. Resuming activities will be discussed with you on an individual basis. The scar begins to fade two to three months later and may take one to two years to reach its final appearance. Swelling will resolve within six weeks by 75 percent, and the remainder will be gone after six months.


There are risks in any surgical procedure. Post-operative complications such as infection and blood clots are rare, but can occur. Infection can be treated with drainage and antibiotics. You will remain on antibiotics as long as you still have the drain. You can minimize the risk of blood clots by moving around as soon after the surgery as possible. Poor healing, which results in conspicuous scars, may necessitate a scar revision. Smokers will need to stop smoking for 6-8 weeks prior to surgery, as smoking will increase the risk of complications and delay healing. You can reduce your risk of complications by closely following your instructions before and after the surgery, especially with regard to when and how you should resume physical activity.


  • Have someone drive you home after surgery and help you at home for 1-2 days.
  • Get plenty of rest.
  • Follow balanced diet.
  • Decreased activity may promote constipation, so you may want to add more raw fruit to your diet, and be sure to increase fluid intake.
  • Take pain medication as prescribed. Do not take aspirin or any products containing aspirin until approved by your physician.
  • Do not drink alcohol when taking pain medications.
  • If you are taking vitamins with iron, resume these as tolerated.
  • Do not smoke, as smoking delays healing and increases the risk of complications.


  • Avoid exposing scars to sun for at least 12 months.
  • Always use a strong sunblock, if sun exposure is unavoidable (SPF 30 or greater).
  • Keep steri-strips on (when applicable).
  • Keep incisions clean and inspect daily for signs of infection.
  • No tub soaking while sutures or drains are in place.
  • Wear you compression garment 24/7 for 6 weeks post op.
  • Place daily soft dressing over incisions and around drain sites to wick away moisture and to prevent irritation by garment along the incision line
  • Sleep with head slightly elevated and pillows under your knees to decrease tension on your incision.

Firm, well-defined arms can be symbolic of youthful strength and beauty. Hanging skin on the underside of the arm with loss of skin tone frequently occurs following extensive weight loss and as part of the natural aging process, as skin loses its elasticity and becomes subject to the forces of gravity. The loose skin is sometimes associated with fat deposits from the elbow up. Brachioplasty, or an “Arm Lift,” can surgically remove excess skin on the upper arms, giving you the well-contoured, attractive arms you desire. A scar is left along the length of the upper, inner arm where it is hidden whenever your arms are by your side. Liposuction – another body contouring procedure – is a good alternative to an arm lift for those with good skin tone and disproportionate amounts of fat.

Arm Lift Procedure and Recovery

The arm lift, or brachioplasty, takes about two hours to perform. Some liposuction is commonly done in conjunction with removal of excess skin. The incisions are closed with suture. Each patient is placed in a compression garment to help minimize swelling.
The arms remain swollen for several weeks following the procedure. You should refrain from lifting anything greater than 15 pounds for six weeks after surgery. Most patients are able to return to work in about one week. The scars will not disappear completely though they will begin to fade in two to three months, and will reach their final appearance in one to two years. It is important that these scars are not exposed to sun while they are still red as this may lead to darkening/pigmentation.

Gynecomastia is swelling of the breast tissue in boys or men, caused by an imbalance of the hormones estrogen and testosterone. Gynecomastia can affect one or both breasts, sometimes unevenly. Newborn boys going through puberty and older men may develop gynecomastia as a result of normal changes in hormone levels, though other causes also exist.
Generally, gynecomastia isn’t a serious problem, but it can be tough to cope with. Men and boys with gynecomastia sometimes have pain in their breasts and may feel embarrassed. Gynecomastia may go away on its own. If it persists, medication or surgery may help to give the chest area a more tightened, fit appearance.
Some of the Causes:
  • Genetics
  • Hormonal Imbalance
  • Medications containing Estrogen
  • Klinefelters Syndrome
  • Obesity
  • Steroid Use
  • Aging
Male Breast Contouring
Treatment for gynecomastia is dependent on your particular situation. Our surgeons will first determine if your condition is from extra glandular tissue or excess fat. In cases of excess fat, liposuction may be all that is needed to reduce the breast. In other instances an incision may need to be made to achieve the desired end result. Once the excess has been removed, the area should have a more contoured, firm appearance. Our surgeons will go over all aspects of the procedure with you at your initial consultation, and help you determine if male breast contouring is the best option to meet your needs.

Also known as fat grafting or fat injection. A fat grafting procedure transfers fat from areas in which you have excess fat, such as the abdomen, and injects it into areas that may be lacking in volume, such as your face, hands, breasts or buttocks. This safe, long-lasting, well-tolerated procedure produces natural-looking results.

When to Consider Fat Transfer

  • If you have facial areas that appear creased and sunken
  • If you desire more permanent correction than is provided by temporary fillers
  • If you wish to improve your body contour, revise scars, fill bodily depressions and rejuvenate your hands and face
  • For use in breast reconstruction, to fill in contour irregularities or hide obvious signs of breast implants

Am I a good candidate for a fat transfer?

The purpose of fat grafting is to augment or fill in volume-deficient areas. You must have donor sites from which fat can be taken.


You can also gain some decent breast size increase, but only if you have nice breast shape and good skin tone. If you have poor skin tone, sagging breasts or droop then fat grafting may not be best for you as you may need a breast lift. The problem with only using fat for breast augmentation is knowing how much fat will actually “take.” What you may need is breast implants with fat grafting.


If your breasts have superficial defects after having breast cancer surgeries or breast lump removals, fat grafting is an excellent way to fill these areas in.


Many people who desire a fuller, more rounded buttock will opt for a “Brazilian butt lift”. Liposuction is performed and the fat that is removed is then injected to the buttocks to sculpt more curve and volume.


Fat is liposuctioned from a part of your body, washed and purified, and then carefully reinjected with specially designed needles into the areas that need augmentation. It is important to understand that you may need more than one fat grafting session to achieve the result you are looking for. It may be necessary to repeat the fat grafting procedure several times to achieve the desired result.


While the results of fat transfer can vary from patient to patient, most patients see a truly remarkable effect for years, if not permanently. As much as 70-80% of the fat transferred appears to last indefinitely.


A Brazilian butt lift uses a combination of liposuction and fat grafting to enlarge the buttocks. Fatty tissue that has been liposuctioned is placed into the buttocks to enhance their size and shape.

The Procedure

First liposuction is performed, typically of the hips, abdomen, below the buttocks, and lower portion of the back. Other areas may be liposuctioned as well, adding to the fat that can be grafted back into the buttocks.

Liposuctioning the lower back, hips and the area below the buttocks reduces these areas, thus helping to accentuate the buttocks. Placing the liposuctioned fat into the buttocks increases the size of the buttocks, accentuating the definition of the buttocks even more. The combination of the two leads to the most fullness possible with this technique.

Is The Brazilian Butt Lift Right For You?

The average patient is a female in her late teens to mid-30s. Men also occasionally undergo this procedure. The patient typically complains that their buttocks doesn’t fit the rest of their body – they are too small and too flat. Most patients have at least some accompanying fatty tissue on the lower back, on top of their buttocks, on their hips and thighs and below their buttocks.

The skin is usually in good condition and is not saggy. This procedure will fill out some sagging skin. If your skin is exceptionally loose, you may need a surgical butt lift (that tightens the skin and pulls the buttocks up) followed by a Brazilian lift. A patient with minimal or no excessive fatty tissue would not be a candidate because there would not enough fatty tissue from other areas to fill out the buttocks.


The buttocks and liposuctioned areas will be tender. Our surgeons will provide pain medications to control this tenderness. Unlike the recovery for liposuction, we recommend you sit as little as possible on your buttocks for the first 6 weeks after the procedure. This time is needed in order for the transferred fat to obtain a blood supply and start to live and grow in its new environment. Sitting on your buttocks will keep the blood supply from getting to the new fat cells. They will not survive and you will lose your correction. A compression garment will still be worn just like after liposuction.

What to Expect

The results of the Brazilian butt lift can vary. The amount of fatty tissue that survives and the amount of fatty tissue that is grafted lends to the overall result. Approximately 70 to 80 percent of the fatty tissue that is transferred into the buttocks survives.

Immediately after surgery, you will notice that your buttocks is larger. This enlargement is the result of two components: the fatty component that will live in its new environment producing the permanent change and edema or swelling that occurs in an area of surgery. The edema will resolve over three to six weeks, leaving you with the final result.

Post-operative weight gain will make your buttocks larger and weight loss will make your buttocks smaller after the procedure. Occasionally a patient will need two grafting sessions in order to obtain the fullness they desire.


As with any surgical procedure there are risks associated with butt augmentation. Following all of your post operative instructions and returning for post-op visits will minimize your risks.

Vaginal rejuvenation is quickly becoming one of the most inquired about cosmetic procedures offered. Loose vagina and redundant labia have been common problems, especially in mothers, but is often not addressed. This may be multifactorial such as embarrassment, lack of good information, “acceptance” as part of the aging process, and/or lack of good guidance by cosmetic surgeons. The recent media attention has prompted women to be more open and comfortable about these issues.

Vaginal rejuvenation includes:

  • Labiaplasty – surgical reduction of the labia majora
  • Fat Grafting – to help return volume to the labia majora
  • PRP – platelet rich plasma can be injected into the labia minora and around the clitoris to increase blood flow and help rejuvenate tissue and increase sensation.
  • G-spot injection – this is relatively new to the concept of vaginal rejuvenation but is really part of women seeking increased sexual stimulation and gratification.

Dr. Wright is able to provide women and mothers with options to restore and improve their aesthetic and sexual functions, often with minimally invasive procedures.


There are many reasons that our patients request information about this procedure. Many women are born with large or irregular labia. An enlarged or irregular labia minora can be derived from exposure to hormones during development or acquired from chronic mechanical irritation or inflammation.

Normally, the labia minora barely protrude past the labia majora, if at all. In some cases of enlargement they can protrude up to 2 ½ inches. Not only is this considered aesthetically unacceptable to some women, it causes local irritation and problems with hygiene, it causes interference with sexual intercourse, and it can cause discomfort during physical activity such as cycling or running. It can also cause discomfort with tight clothing and finally it can cause social embarrassment and psychological distress in extreme cases. The procedure does not address the vagina itself and is not a tightening procedure.

The reduction procedure is a minor operation and causes little discomfort. It can be performed under general anesthesia or sedation as an outpatient surgery in our  surgery center. The excess skin is removed and the remaining skin is sutured to heal with aesthetic and youthful results. The sutures are dissolvable and thus there is no need for suture removal. After a couple of weeks the incisions are practically imperceptible and sexual intercourse can be resumed in about 5-6 weeks. The procedure has a very high level of patient satisfaction. The most common risks are bleeding, infection or scarring. Fortunately, these risks do not frequently occur.

Vaginal Tightening

With the vaginal tightening procedure Dr. Wright is able to tighten the internal vagina, which also assists with the improvement of the vagina muscle tone, to enhance the sexual function for both the woman and her partner. With the trauma of vaginal delivery, the vaginal opening (vaginal introitus) is commonly torn or injured causing a loose vagina, which can be felt or even observed.

Contact Wright Surgical Arts Today

We invite you to contact our cosmetic surgery practice for more information on our vaginal rejuvenation options or to schedule your consultation.

The experience of pregnancy is both rewarding and memorable in any woman’s life but it can be extremely hard your body. After pregnancy you may not feel or look like you did before children. It is without a doubt the toughness of pregnancy, child birth and breast feeding that can have an unflattering and adverse effect on your body. “Mommy Makeovers” are combination surgeries that can help to restore, repair, and replenish the body after pregnancies and child birth.

After pregnancy, women typically find that even with detailed exercise and diet plans, they still have difficulty returning to their pre-pregnancy shape. They experience breast sag and excess stretched skin on the abdomen. The “Mommy Makeover” is all about you having the ability to get back the body you had before pregnancy. Most women who undergo the surgery feel better afterwards about their day to day lives, feeling more secure and confident about their shape. Our surgeons will work with you to customize a treatment plan for your makeover and assist you to revitalize the natural contours of your body.

Am I a Good Candidate for a Mommy Makeover?

Typically, the best candidates are those who have maintained a healthy weight range, without significant fluctuations, for at least three months prior to the procedure. If you are still currently breastfeeding, our surgeons recommend waiting 3+ months after stopping breastfeeding to allow your breasts to return to their normal size.

If you are considering a mommy makeover, it is important that you have already made healthy eating and exercise part of your routine. It is ideal for you to be close to your goal weight prior to surgery, usually within 10-15 pounds. Having this routine of exercise and healthy eating helps to ensure you keep up with it after surgery and is the absolute best way for you to maintain the results of the procedures.

Mommy Makeover Procedures

Mommy makeovers are a combination of common cosmetic surgical procedures which are focused on the areas most affected by pregnancy. These include:

Breast Augmentation – Breasts typically lose volume and contour after breastfeeding. This procedure will help to restore that lost volume and fullness leaving you with larger, natural-looking breasts.

Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) – This removes excess skin and stretch marks from your stomach area which may have stretched out during pregnancy.

Liposuction – This targets those “trouble” areas that don’t seem to respond to diet or exercise after pregnancy. The most common areas are the inner thighs, legs, ankles, hips, love handles, waist, abdominals, and chin.

Vaginal Rejuvenation – It’s a delicate subject, but an important one for your health and satisfaction. Simply put, childbirth causes many changes to your vaginal area. The birthing process can permanently stretch and loosen the vagina and labia. The internal vaginal canal can be tightened with CO2 laser tightening, along with the improvement of the vagina muscle tone as well as a labiaplasty (reduction of the external fold of skin around the vagina.)

Deciding which, and how many, of these procedures to have done will be up to you and your surgeon.

Mommy Makeover Recovery

One of the most frequently asked questions is what the recovery time will be after a Mommy Makeover. Most women who seek this procedure are busy at home with young children and are concerned about the length of time it can take to return to the full duties of child care.

Mommy Makeover recovery varies depending on which surgeries and how many you have done. It is safest to plan for one to two weeks off of work and physical activity for your recovery. The results of your procedure will continue to improve as your body heals over the following 6 months.

It is not abnormal initially to experience bruising, swelling and some pain after the procedures. Most subsides after 2 weeks. Our surgeons will provide recovery instructions specific to your needs and will prescribe the medications needed such as antibiotics and pain killers.

Contact Wright Surgical Arts Today

We invite you to contact our cosmetic surgery practice for more information on our Mommy Makeover options or to schedule your consultation.


Take some time. Treat yourself. You deserve it.

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