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4 Tips For Getting The Most Out of Your Laser Hair Removal

August 21, 2023
By: Wright Surgical Arts

Beautician Removing Hair Of Young Woman with laser - laser hair removal

An excellent way to permanently get rid of your unwanted body hair is laser hair removal. This type of treatment can remove any dark, coarse hairs on your face, arms, underarms, legs, pubic area, etc. Laser hair removal involves the use of a laser to burn the hair follicles. After several treatments, this stops the hairs from growing back in, thus creating the permanent hair removal that many people desire. When you are going through your laser hair removal treatments, you want them to be as effective as possible. Thankfully, there are certain things that you can do to make this happen. Here are 4 great tips for getting the most out of your laser hair removal.



Laser hair removal appointments are scheduled based on the growth cycles of your hair. During each hair growth cycle, certain hair follicles produce hair. The laser can only target the hairs follicles that are growing hairs during that particular growth cycle. Because of this, your appointments are generally placed about a month apart. If you were to miss one of these treatments, you would miss an entire growth cycle. This can set you way back in your treatments and lengthen the hair removal process.


Since the laser burns your actual hair follicle, it is very important that this hair follicle is present. If you were to tweeze or wax any of the hairs that you are planning on removing, then the hair follicle would be removed in the process. By avoiding any tweezing or waxing several weeks before your laser hair removal treatments begin, you ensure that all hair follicles are present. However, this doesn’t mean that you can’t still shave your hair because this simply cuts your hair down to the surface of your skin and leaves the follicle intact.


The day before your laser hair removal treatment, it is a good idea to shave. This can be effective for a couple different reasons. For one thing, it makes it easier for the laser to get to your hair follicles because there is less of the hair remaining above the skin’s surface. It is also a great way to reduce the amount of pain you feel from the laser. This is because there is less of the hair that essentially has to be burned off, thus decreasing the pain you feel from the laser. However, if you do still experience pain, aloe vera can be very helpful in soothing your skin.


It is important that you limit your sun exposure both before you begin laser hair removal treatments and in between each of your treatments. If your skin is burned from the sun, this can make it extra sensitive. Since your skin will become somewhat sensitive from the use of the laser, a sunburn may cause your skin to actually blister during the treatments. This is not only painful but can interfere with your treatments because you may have to miss treatments until your skin has properly healed from your sunburn.

Laser hair removal is an effective procedure that can provide you with great results when performed correctly. In order to get the most out of your treatment, it is important that you don’t miss a treatment, you avoid tweezing or waxing any of the hairs that are undergoing laser hair removal, you shave the day before a treatment, and you limit your sun exposure both before and during treatments.

If you are considering laser hair removal, then Wright Surgical Arts is an excellent choice. To learn more, you can visit us here.

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